
Treatment Of Brain Aneurysms

Brain Bleeding Due To Raptured Brain Aneurysms.

Blood vessels are like pipes, they are cylindrical , with a thin wall and central hollow lumen.

Aneurysm means swelling or balooning of a blood vessel , this is usually due to focal or segmental weakness in the wall of the vessel. Any body blood vessel can weaken, and get a swelling so aneurysms can occur anywhere in the body. A brain aneurysm is a bulging, weakened area in a blood vessel in the brain. 

Arrows above show  swelling on blood vessels ( aneurysm)


For the lucky ones , brain aneurysms are discovered incidentally during vascular Imaging (photography of blood vessels ).

However, a brain aneurysms can rapture and bleed causing a stroke, this dreaded life threatening bleeding is called subarachnoid haemorrhage!

Graphic representation of a raptured brain aneurysm ( swelling of a brain vessel), resulting into potentially fatal brain bleeding

It’s noteworthy that not all brain  bleeding is due to aneurysms, therefore a patient with brain bleeding needs and deserves thorough investigations to determine the cause of brain bleed, and thus institute appropriate treatment!

Have started to wander, but won’t get lost, so let’s get back to brain bleeding due to raptured brain  aneurysms .


Symptoms Of Brain Aneurysms.

The symptoms of brain aneurysms really depend on weither :

Symptoms Of Raptured Brain Aneurysms

  • Severe Headache, the worst headache anyone will ever get, a headache that you don’t want your worst enemy to ever get.
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Blurring of vision
  • Vomiting
  •  Coma , typically someone well suddenly complains about severe headache, and becomes unconscious.
  • Death ; a badly raptured brain aneurysm has capacity to cause instant death !

Symptoms Of Non-raptured Aneurysm

  • These may cause no symptoms, and are discovered incidentally.
  • Big aneurysms can compress sorrounding brain structures, commonly causing ;
    – Pain above and behind the eye
    – Drooping of the upper eyelid ( the upper eyelid involuntary covers the eye).

Symptoms Of Non-raptured Aneurysm

  • These may cause no symptoms, and are discovered incidentally.
  • Big aneurysms can compress sorrounding brain structures, commonly causing ;
    – Pain above and behind the eye
    – Drooping of the upper eyelid ( the upper eyelid involuntary covers the eye).

Treatment Options For Brain Aneurysms

Brain Aneurysms are a serious life threatening issue, and require dedicated teams for fruitful results.

With technology advancement, most brain aneurysms can be repaired without opening up the skull, one can go through a blood vessel in the thigh, reach and treat the defect in the brain vessel.

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